BWL aims to develop state-of-the-art vessels incorporating the latest advancements in vessel design, automation, and fully sustainable zero-emission propulsion systems.

The vessels BWL is designing will be built of aluminum and capable of accommodating up to 300 passengers on voyages in various sea conditions. This design will include not yet utilized underwater features that are based on proven testing data. BWL believes that with the use of foils, an airstream under the hull, modified SWATH design and a modern drive train, the vessels will be more efficient and comfortable than other ferries in the market today.

The ferries will feature unique exterior design styling and an ergonomic interior for the passengers’ comfort and maximized satisfaction. The proposed vessels will use environmentally friendly propulsion systems and semi- autonomous hazard avoidance and stability controls. The major components of the vessel design and operational systems will suit common terms of international standards.

BWL has elected to focus on vessels of two types. It was determined that monohulls will be designed for 50 and 100 passenger vessels and catamarans for larger ones, servicing up to 300 passengers.

For more information on BridgeWater Lines, please see their website.

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